So Attached

Magnets were discovered many years ago in ancient Greece. This cool place was called Magnesia… Since the lodestones were found in the city of Magnesia, they received the name “Magnet.”

In our book, MAGNIFICENT: We’ll travel abroad with Sailors (familiar faces, indeed.) We’ll learn a few chemical elements… Among other things! Magnificent has been inducted in our ever-growing Aniimal Town Learning Series Catalog.

There are two magnetic poles, The North Pole & The South Pole. Can you tell us, which pole does SANTA CLAUSE live in?

Aniimal Town

The Only Aniimal With 2 ii’s

We equip young minds with knowledge, using dreamy creativity. Come along for the adventurous ride of brain-noggin fun!

EDU Series

The Advance Learning Tool

Educational material is provided here, from Us to U… Get totally ready to expand your brainy wits with Aniimals’ as your guide.